Gasifiers for solid fuels are stand-alone heat and electric renewable energy sources.
When solid fuels are gasified, a generalised formula CnHmOr is give to the base material, that is carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combined in diverse proportions m, n and r. As it moves towards the inceneritor, the gasified material is heated in the absence of oxygen and undergoes pyrolysis.
As a consequence of pyrolisis, the following substances are created: coal, resins and incombusted hydrocarbons.
The products resulting from pyrolysis can be represented, in general, as follows:
CnHmOr → C + CO2 + CO + H2O + CkHI + CxHyOz
The composition of products derived from pyrolysis depends on the composition of the base materials and the conditions of the process (for example the speed of reaheat of the material in the pyrolytic zone).
The thermal exchange in the interphase happens in the area where the ashes are cooled down, whereas the transformation of the solid product into gas happens int he zone above.
The gasification is aided by an excess of oxygen and by an elevated temperature. The residues of the organic combustion are burned. fall and are then expelled together with the ashes.
* Sale of the spare energy
* Reduction of Production Costs
* High Reliability
* Concern for the Environment
* Possibility to exploit the waste gases by means of turbines to generate electrical energy
* Availability of the solid fuel on site
* Reduction of the Production Costs of electrical and thermal energy elettrica e termica
* Possibility of using modern electrical and gas, piston and turbine power stations
* Introduction of the steam-gas cycle
The figure below shows the operation of the gasifier. The solid waste material are transported to the plant and dropped into a tank. By means of a conveyor belt they are introduced into the gasification reactor. Air and steam are added to the mix. Solid residues that cannot be burned fall into a trash tank. The results of the pyrolysis enter a purifier and from there the gas so produced enters the boiler. The waste gases are purified in the depurator and finally are pumped into the waste chimney (funnel).

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